Digital Collection

The first thing that Collection digitization had evoked me was the idea to have digital pictures of my mini art collection on my computer but then I tried to write about it and it ended up to be an article for nothing. So second thoughts on Collection digitalization: my personal digital collections, which are composed of images of all kind found on beautiful Tumblr that I saved and go through from time to time but also my article archive.

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What I would consider my personal mini museum could seem for others, just like a stack of images found on the Internet. Those images collected for a number of various reason are for my piece of myself, if you want to find a way to get know me while saving your time and avoiding an unpleasant conversation, I would suggest you to just take eyes to this digital collection. Sometimes I would let my computer open just to then be able to watch the sleepy mode streams all these images and just contemplate it.

This collection is already digitalized as I found all those pieces on the internet and I love the idea to own it in a unique way as no one else than me have the same but it would never come to my mind to print it or make it more physically concrete as I “acquired” it in a very abstract form. But what I could do and started to do recently to make it more organized is to give a name to each picture of this digital collection. And I could and will for this article push the experience further by creating an identity to an image of my collection.

This Was A Mistake.jpg

1- I found that image on the Tumblr of a friend, I don’t even remember which friend it was, just know we were in the same art school. I thought I had that image for years and years but after clicking on the information I realize I have this picture since May 19th, 2015 at 11:41. In the Dimension we have 900 x 594 (cm ? mm ?) and as “brand of device” we have CANON. The format of the document is an “IMAGE JPEG” and the size 336 Ko. That’s all the useful and understandable information I have on this picture, based on the information on my computer.


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2 – After a quick research on Google using the picture – thanks Google for the Search by image – I found the source of the image on the website of an artist. Jen Mann is a young female Canadian artist, using dreamlike imagery with satirical humor to create paintings. So the document I thought was a picture is actually photography of a very realistic painting. With all the information I found on the website I can now create a more formal factsheet about my dear picture.

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The other digital collection I “owe” is a collection of articles, videos, show, podcast… any digital content that I already read but still want to keep in my archive. I’m using the word archive as this article are saved on Facebook under the name Archive and classify between links, videos, product, photos, places, music, books, films, TV Shows, events. Like your own little culture shelf in your bedroom but in this case in your virtual bedroom that is Facebook today.

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This place we save pictures, use as a calendar to remind us all the events that interest us… Facebook, with this new functionality and option of saving articles, changed the way I consume information. See, I’m not very much into Twitter, Apps and etc but since I can save all those super interesting articles for later I started to use Facebook as my personal and tailored newspaper but with the only article that I like and keep with me wherever I have an internet connection. Like my dad read his Sunday Canard Enchainé, without the boring article he doesn’t care about…

4 thoughts on “Digital Collection

  1. Pretty cool that you were able to find more out about your collection from this blog post. Do you think you will do more research about your collection now?
    I liked that you focused on something that no one else had thought about an already digital collection. These are becoming much more of a reality now that so many things are no longer physical objects. You touched on something that is very relevant to contemporary issues in museums.
    Interesting that you use facebook as a sort of Mimsy or collection database. I wonder how museums in the future will collect digital objects or sources like facebook data.


    1. I will definitely try know more about these images I’ve collected across the years, now I’m curious and definitely want to know more about all of them. But I slowly started, and all of them are not as easy as the MISTAKE cake, to find but I’ll try I’ll try…

      For the way museum will collect our today data, I’m not sure how this will turn out but it is sure that as we are living on the digital edge, we (meaning our data) will obviously end up in some museum or collection ! (and I’m not yet sure how I feel about it… 😉 )


  2. I found your ‘Facebook saves as a digital collection’ idea incredible! It takes courage to share what you like with the whole world (or the whole class)


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